Advocacy and Lobby Meeting on Access to Justice regarding the Women with Disabilities at National Women Commission (NWC)

Posted on: 20/12/2024
Advocacy and Lobby Meeting on Access to Justice regarding the Women with Disabilities at National Women Commission (NWC)

Under the leadership of the Federation of Women with Disabilities Nepal, coordination with the National Women's Commission (NWC), joint initiative of the National Federation of the Deaf Nepal (NDFN), Society of Deaf Blind Parents Nepal (SDBP), and the National Sign Language Interpreters' Association (NASLI), and with the support of the Disability Rights Fund (DRF/DRAF), a comprehensive discussion and interactive program was held at National Women's Commission on (10th November, 2024) Kartik 25, 2081 regarding the preparation of guidelines/standards related to access to justice for women with disabilities.
In the program chaired by the Chairperson of the National Women's Commission, Honorable Kamala Parajuli, and moderated by Rama Dhakal, General Secretary of the Federation of Women with Disabilities, Nepal, the Chairperson of the Federation of Women with Disabilities, Nirmala Dhital, presented a working paper on women with disabilities, access to justice, and related standards/guidelines. In the interaction, the identity of people with disabilities, diversity within disabilities, multifaceted issues of women with disabilities and access to justice, as well as the status of access to justice for women with disabilities in Nepal, reasons for lack of access, challenges faced, and solutions were discussed in detail.
The Chairperson of the National Women's Commission, Hon. Kamala Parajuli, expressed her commitment to work in collaboration with the Federation of Women with Disabilities to ensure access to justice for women with disabilities and to formulate guidelines, and to issue circulars and recommendations to the relevant stakeholders.

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