Advocacy and Lobby Meeting on Access to Justice regarding the Women with Disabilities at Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens (MOWCSC)

Posted on: 31/12/2024

On Mangsir 19, 2081 (4th December 2024) under the leadership of the Federation of Women with Disabilities Nepal and in coordination with the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens (MOWCSC), a comprehensive discussion and interactive program was held at the conference hall of the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens (MOWCSC), Singha durbar, Kathmandu on the issues, challenges related to access to justice for women and girls with disabilities, jointly organized by the National Federation of Deaf Nepal (NDFN), Society of Deaf Blind Parents Nepal (SDBP) and National Sign Language Interpreters Association (NASLI), and with the support of Disability Rights Foundation (DRF).

In the presence of 12 participants i.e, 9 female participants and 3 male participants the advocacy and lobby meeting was successfully conducted. In the meeting the Joint Secretary of the Ministry addressed many topics in the program. Topics such as: availability of supporting materials, use of respectful language for person with disabilities, disability diversity, lack of awareness among the people but no problem in policy, problems in mobilizing materials, problems in integrated mobilization, need to move forward by categorizing problems, risk of violence against women with disabilities, etc. were discussed. He also mentioned that the changes may take time but Ministry will try to address these issues after the proper discussion.

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